Map of the world drawn by Giovanni Vespucci, nephew of Amerigo Vespucci, in 1526. At the Hispanic Society, NYC. Researching old manuscripts for a project for Acoma Pueblo and found this lovely old map hanging on the wall in the reading room.

Astrolabe, 1450, in the Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid. Used to chart the stars and calculate time centuries before the clock.

Lawlor family in New Vernon, NJ, just before sailing to Germany, February 1965 (L-R Frannie, Jack, Lizzie, Sarah, Nancy, Mary

With my mother and sisters at the farm in Alabama, c. 1957: (L-R) Lizzie, Nancy, Frannie with Sarah on her lap, and me

Portrait my mother had taken in Miami, 1955, of herself surrounded by us: Lizzie (top l), Nancy (top r), Sarah (lower r), me (lower l)

Thinking of Frannie, my mother and subject of much attention in Fighter Pilot’s Daughter, sketched here in a Saks ad for Intoxication perfume in 1945 when she was working in Saks’s advertising department.